My God Is So Big
My God is so big. So strong, and so mighty. There's nothing my God cannot do.
These are the lyrics my toddler sings with her church friends. Out of the mouth of babes, comes truth. Truth so very sincere. Our God is so big. However, that doesn't mean He doesn't care about the details of our individual lives.
June 28th, 2017.
My nephew texted me the week prior and said he wanted help proposing to his girlfriend. He had decided to pop the big question in our backyard, as we had previously mentioned in passing would be a great option.
"Next Wednesday" he said. Hmmmmm that gave me approximately six days, and we already had a full schedule. But being the romantic that I am, as well as truly loving the girl he was asking, I agreed to help. Which included strongly encouraging my husband to jump on board as well, for I was going to need his help. (to be fair, it didn't take too much convincing)
Well, the weekend passed. Monday came. Monday went. Tuesday came. Tuesday went. Wednesday came. It was game day...and the weather forecast called for storms all day long! This was a backyard proposal, and being the control freak I can occasionally be, to say I was a bit nervous would be a huge understatement. However, my optimistic side won; I got dressed and started my day hoping just maybe the sun would come out, and dry up all the rain clouds. (haha) After all, it's not like the weather forecast is always accurate.
Well, as I was leaving the house that morning there was no sun. In fact, not only was the sun not present; it was pouring buckets outside. I went on with my day, knowing my nephew would be getting off work early, and be by the house about two o'clock to help set up. By the time he arrived, the weather had quieted. No rain. The sun looked like it might peak out, and everything smelled beautiful after its fresh watering.
We set up tiki torches, fogged the area for bugs, set up the table and chairs. Placed candles all around the table. It was going to be beautiful. As we were convinced the rain had passed, we decided not to put up the tent, and stick to the original plan of dining al fresco.
The plan was to blindfold the lovely lady and walk her partway down the path till she couldn't see the house. Then after taking off the blindfold they would continue on. Around the creek bend the tiki torches would be lit in a large open area. This was where he would get down on one knee and ask that special question. Continuing on the path, through a tunnel of trees, they would find themselves at a beautiful twisted old tree with a small clearing by the water. A small table for two. Candles sprinkled on perimeter of the clearing, and twinkling lights fell from the trees. My sister in law and I were to bring down dinner and dessert.
Now, as I mentioned, we set everything up that afternoon. Lights and linens were all that were left before they made their big arrival. As he took off to go get ready, I headed back up to the house. It wasn't long after he left when that perfect weather started to stir. The trees started blowing, and I could hear thunder in the distance. Then the rain hit.
"Do we have a plan B in case this rain doesn't stop?" I texted him.
Though I was slightly concerned I was gonna have to run down through the pouring rain to save my kitchen chairs, I was more concerned about all his planning being put on hold. The next two days called for storms as well.
"It's gonna be fine." he texted back. "I prayed, and I have Grandpa praying for good weather."
He seemed confident so I greed to continue on, though I was much less sure Mother Nature would be helping us tonight. It was now four o'clock. I found myself emptying the dishwasher and calling to God.
"Alright. He's gonna be here in an hour and a half. I still have things to do down by the creek, the kids are upstairs but clearly not napping, and no one is here to help get any of it done. Also, Lord, it's still raining. I know you calmed the seas and you can hold back this storm. Jesus, this kid loves you so much, and he loves this girl. Even if it's raining through his entire proposal, let it be perfect. Let the trees protect them during their meal. Let her love every minute of it."
by 4:30 when the proposal team arrived, the rain had STOPPED! We quickly ran out to the location, placed the table settings, lit candles, and hung lights. My brother in law found a spot to hide in the trees to take pictures, and my husband was manning the grill up at the house.
5:00 came. Then went. 5:30 came. We all held our breath. Minutes later the adorable young couple strode by the house on the way to the rest of their lives. She was blindfolded and clueless to how much her life would change in a few short minutes.
He asked. She said yes. They ate dinner. Then dessert. Then just hung out by the water enjoying the moment. The clock clicked closer to 7:30. They came up quickly to use the restroom, and then told us they were going back down to their table for a bit. They wanted to enjoy the lights as it got darker outside. at 8:15 they decided to come in for the night. We all chipped in and took everything down. We were starting to feel some sprinkles and hear the distant thunder as we brought the items back up to the house. When we finished, it started to pour.
God is so big. Yet, He loves us so much.
So strong. He can hold back the thunder.
So might. He calmed the storm.
There is nothing My God cannot do. He allowed his dear child to have a beautiful few hours in the calm before the storm.
The trickling creek beside them. The birds singing above them. Hidden at a table in the trees. As this sweet couple starts their new adventure together, they will always be able to look back on this night and remember how much they are loved. By each other, as they spent some quality time together stepping into their future, and by God. Who had His angels hold back the storm clouds.
My God is so big. So strong and so mighty. There is nothing my God cannot do.